The Equipment Hierarchy uses a parent/child structure, down to the area level. Child nodes can be created from the business level down to the department level. The hierarchy can only be updated by Business Administrators, as any changes will impact all users for a particular business.
As an example, we'll look at adding a new conveyor to an existing hierarchy. Expand the Hierarchy on the left of the screen to show the location where the new conveyor is to be added. Hover your mouse over Department (in this example it's called "Conveyor") and if you have the required Business Administrator access, you will see the icon appear.
Click on the icon and select Add Child.
In the Area field, enter the name of the new asset (conveyor) and select the Area Type from the drop down. The Functional Location can be left blank. Click on Save and the new Area will appear in the Hierarchy.
The new conveyor will be added at the bottom of the hierarchy. If you need to position it further up the hierarchy, click and drag it. You need to position the mouse pointer between two conveyors, and it will change as shown. You can then release the mouse button, and the conveyor will move to that position. You are able to drag into other Departments as well, just make sure the view is expanded so you can see where you want to place it.