(GET) Generate Work Management – Idlers Report PDF

Version 1: (V1)




This URL will allow a user to generate a Work Management – Idlers report and download it as a .pdf file.

The parameters businessName, groupName, departmentName, and areaName are the names of the business, group, department, and area that you wish to generate the report for.

The language parameter is the language code for determining the datetime format of the report (en-AU, en-US, es-ES, etc). 

Only api_key, and businessName are mandatory.
If no value is entered for groupName, departmentName, and areaName then the value will be set by default to all groups, departments, and areas. If no value is entered for language, the default is en-AU.



URL Parameters  

(key)      api_key
(value)   Provided separately to this document

(key)     businessName
(value)  The name of the business you wish to generate the report for

(key)     groupName
(value)  The name of the group you wish to generate the report for

(key)     departmentName
(value)  The name of the department you wish to generate the report for

(key)     areaName
(value)  The name of the area you wish to generate the report for

(key)     language
(value)  The language code for determining the datetime format of the report

Response Data

HTTP Response OK (200)

HTTP Response Bad Request (400)

-          Missing api_key, or businessName parameter

-          Incorrect businessName, groupName, departmentName, or areaName value

HTTP Response Forbidden (403)

-          Invalid/Incorrect API Key

-          Non “API User” role



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