Navigating Idler

The Dashboard shows all outstanding idler and structure failures. The Dashboard automatically filters to show only those failures at and below the selected function hierarchy level (this is visible via the breadcrumb).

Each record on the Dashboard contains either a iphone_icons_I.PNG (for an idler failure record) or iphone_icons_S.PNG (for a structure failure record) icon. A red icon indicates the failure is marked At Risk.


This Dashboard can be filtered to show just the At Risk failures or those with Attachments by tapping the Filter button.


All records can also be sorted according to a number of options by tapping the Sort button.


Typing in the Search field at the top of the screen will also search for all records containing the search criteria.


Tap the Hamburger iphone_icons_hamburger.PNG icon to reveal the functional hierarchy navigation, tap on an item on the navigation panel or tap on the Back Arrow to navigate back up the functional hierarchy. The breadcrumb at the footer of the screen will display the selected hierarchy.


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