Duplicating Existing Inspections

Duplicating a record closes out the open record using the current date/time as the close out date and creates an identical copy (excluding attachments) with an inspection date set to the devices current date/time. The Duplicate process is often used if an outstanding inspection record has not changed.

There are two options available for duplicating existing inspections.

Business, Group, Department level

At any functional hierarchy level, navigate to the At Fault Inspections dashboard, tap on a Condition iphone_icons_condition.PNG icon on the left side of the corresponding record to be duplicated. Tap on the Duplicate button which will appear on the top of the screen.


Asset level

Tap and hold on the relevant inspection record then tap the Duplicate button when it is enabled.


On the pop-up confirmation tap Yes to create the duplicate record or No to cancel.

Update any inspection information, complete all mandatory fields and add attachments, then tap Tick iphone_icons_tick.PNG to save.


TIP: Closed inspections are only visible for 7 days after the last saved date. Open inspections are always shown until they are closed, and then the above rule applies.

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