(PUT) Update One or Multiple Equipment Screen Panel API


This API Endpoint will allow a customer to update one or many specific screen panel details in the PDS software.



There are two non-production environments that can be used for testing.


Mandatory Fields are denoted by *




Content-Type = Application/Json


 This is required for authentication. If you do not have your API key please contact PDS      Support (support@pdsglobal.com).

businessName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software. 

groupName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software.
departmentName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software.
areaName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software.



Object: publicScreenPanel

  equipmentId * - long
  Primary key 
  name - string(50)
  Name of the equipment 
  isInstalled - boolean
  Flag if equipment installed or not
  functionalLocation - string(50)
  A functional location can be added to reference the group to external software like SAP. This is    just free text, not a link.

partNumber - string(50)
The part number assigned to the type of panel. This can be obtained by going to Complex Administration>Screen Panels.

screenPanelTypeName  string(50)
Describes the type of screen panel being installed. This can be obtained by going to Complex Administration>Screen Panels. The linear relationship to Part Number should be preserved.

screenPanelFixingTypeName - string(50)
Describes the type of screen panel fixing being used. This can be obtained by going to Complex Administration>Screen Panels. The linear relationship to Part Number should be preserved.

screenPanelMaterialTypeName*  string(50)
Describes the material from which the screen panel is manufactured. Describes the type of screen panel being installed. This can be obtained by going to Complex Administration>Screen Panels. The linear relationship to Part Number should be preserved.

screenPanelManufacturerName  string(50)
Gives the manufacturer of screen panel being installed. This can be obtained by going to Complex Administration>Screen Panels. The linear relationship to Part Number should be preserved.

length – decimal(18,3)  
Screen panel length in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

width – decimal(18,3)  
Screen panel width in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

thickness – decimal(18,3)
Screen panel thickness in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

openArea - decimal(18,3)
The amount of the panel that is not solid in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

apertureLength - decimal(18,2)
The length dimension of the aperture in the screen panel in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

apertureWidth - decimal(18,2)
The width dimension of the aperture in the screen panel in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

apertureStyle - string(50)
The shape of the apertures in the screen panel. Free text.

wireProfile - string(50)
The profile of the top of the impact surface on the wire used in the screen panel. Free text.

surfaceTreatment - string(50)
The surface treatment applied to the panel material. Free text.

orientation - string(50)
Gives the orientation of the screen panel, either across the flow or with the flow. Free text.

feature - string(50)
Any other features of the screen panel not described in other fields. Free text.
deflector - string(50)
The type of deflector built into the screen panel. Free text.

 originalSize - decimal(18,3) 


 PartitionSize - decimal(18,3) 


 timeToReplace - int


installationDate - dateTime
The time the panel was installed. If not populated, this will default to the date and time the record was sent to PDS.

installationWorkOrder - string(50)
Allows the addition of a work order number if required.

leadTime – int
The time in days required to order replacement panels and have them delivered to site ready for installation.

replacementInterval – int
This is an indication of the life of the panel. It's the time in days that the panel is expected to last.

comments - string(500)
Free text limited to 500 characters. Any comments can be added as required.




After sending through your data, the API call will return a response entity with a body and a status. The response entity will let you know if the data you sent through was successful or unsuccessful.


200 - HTTP Response OK
400 - HTTP Response Bad Request
403 - HTTP Response Forbidden
415 - HTTP Response Unsupported Media Type
500 - HTTP Response Internal Server Error


Object: ResponseEntity
The ResponseEntity object will contain a string or object value. This will have an error or success message – examples below:

- Successfully Updated Equipment Liner

- Invalid Security Token
- businessName is not provided

- equipmentScreenPanels Array is empty

- Equipment ID not found
- Error Locating Equipment
- Invalid/Incorrect API Key
- Missing Content-Type header
- Error connecting to PDS Server


Example URL:

Request Example Body

Json Body:

Note: equipmentId is the primary key.



        "screenPanelItemNumber": null,  

        "rowLabel": null,  

        "columnLabel": null,  

        "isRotated": false,  

        "screenPanelTypeName": "Aperture",  

        "screenPanelMaterialTypeName": null,  

        "screenPanelManufacturerName": null,  

        "screenPanelFixingTypeName": null,  

        "width": 600,  

        "length": 600,  

        "thickness": 40,  

        "apertureLength": 100,  

        "apertureWidth": 50,  

        "apertureStyle": "Square",  

        "orientation": "SWF",  

        "wireProfile": "#130",  

        "surfaceTreatment": "Hard Chrome Finish",  

        "deflector": null,  

        "feature": "50mm HIgh Dam RH",  

        "openArea": 3.1,  

        "equipmentId": 28462,  

        "name": "200705-SCPN-028462",  

        "isInstalled": true,  

        "functionalLocation": null,  

        "comments": "From public endpoint bulk update",  

        "url": "test.pdsglobal.com",  

        "partNumber": "EG1234",  

        "installedDate": null,  

        "installWONumber": null,  

        "removalDate": null,  

        "removalWONumber": null,  

        "scheduledRemoval": null,  

        "cOutComments": null,  

        "leadTime": 1,  

        "replacementInterval": null,  

        "originalSize": null,  

        "partitionSize": null,  

        "scheduledShutText": null,  

        "actualShutText": null,  

        "rfid": null,  

        "installedRunHours": null,  

        "removalRunHours": null,  

        "actualShutName": "ActualShut",  

        "scheduledShutName": "Shut 1101 - Week 1",  

        "timeToReplace": null,  

        "purchasingDate": null,  

        "purchasingOrder": null,  

        "purchasingInvoice": null,  

        "purchasingCost": null,  

        "purchaseCostCentre": null,  

        "warrantyExpiryDate": null,  

        "rotatedDate": null  




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