(PUT) Update One or Multiple Liners API 


This API Endpoint will allow a customer to update one or multiple existing liners. 



There are two non-production environments that can be used for testing.


Mandatory Fields are denoted by *




Content-Type = application/json


 This is required for authentication. If you do not have your API key please contact PDS      Support (support@pdsglobal.com).

businessName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software. 

groupName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software.
departmentName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software.
areaName - string(50)
Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software.


Object: publicEquipmentLiner

equipmentId * - long
Primary key 

name - string(50)
Name of the equipment 

isInstalled - boolean
Flag if equipment installed or not

functionalLocation - string(50)
A functional location can be added to reference the group to external software like SAP. This is just free text, not a link.

partNumber- string(50)
A part number can be added for the liner to assist with managing replacements. Free text.

The time the panel was installed. If not populated, this will default to the date and time the record was sent to PDS.

installationWorkOrder - string(50)
Allows users to add a workorder number for the expected removal of the product.

Allows users to add a workorder number for the expected removal of the product. The time in days required to order replacement panels and have them delivered to site ready for installation

originalSize - decimal(18,3) 


PartitionSize - decimal(18,3) 

timeToReplace - int

replacementInterval – int 
This is an indication of the life of the panel. It's the time in days that the panel is expected/planned to last.

removalWorkOrder - string(50) 
Allows users to add a workorder number used for the removal of the product.

comments - string(500)
Free text limited to 500 characters. Comments can be added as required.

linerItemNumber - string(50)
Users can add their own reference number to a liner, which is in addition to the PDS number.

linerMaterialType- string(50)
Describes the material from which the liner is manufactured.  This is configured by going to Complex Administration>Liner Material Types.

thickness* – decimal(18,3)
Thickness of the liner. Unit of Measurement is based on

width – decimal(18,3)
Width of the liner in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

height – decimal(18,3)
Height of the liner in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

linerBackingName – string(50)

backingThickness– decimal(18,3)
Thickness of the backing material in the relevant Unit of Measurement.

linerFixingTypeName - string(50)
The method by which the liner is fixed to the chute. These are configured by going to Complex Administration>Liner Fixing Types.

linerFixingName  - string(50) 
These are configured by going to Complex Administration>Liner Fixings.

linerManufacturerName - string(50)
Can be added if required. Manufacturers are configured by going to Complex Administration>Liner Manufacturers.

linerWearPackName - string(50) 
A wear pack can be added if configured. A wear pack is generally a group of liners located together of the same specification. Packs are configured by going to Complex Administration>Liner Wear Packs.

partNumber - string(50)
A part number can be added for the liner to assist with managing replacements. Free text.

documentLink - string(50)
Allows a link to be added for a reference document. Free text.

markingPlan - string(50)
Allows a reference (number or other reference) to added for a marking plan relevant to the chute depicted in the DXF. Free text.

detailDrawing - string(50)
Allows a reference (number or other reference) to added for a detailed technical drawing relevant to the chute depicted in the DXF. Free text.



After sending through your data, the API call will return a response entity with a body and a status. The response entity will let you know if the data you sent through was successful or unsuccessful.


200 - HTTP Response OK
400 - HTTP Response Bad Request
403 - HTTP Response Forbidden
415 - HTTP Response Unsupported Media Type
500 - HTTP Response Internal Server Error


Object: ResponseEntity
The ResponseEntity object will contain a string or object value. This will have an error or success message – examples below:

- Successfully Updated Equipment Liner

- Invalid Security Token
- businessName is not provided

- equipmentLinerTypes Array is empty

- Equipment ID not found
- Error Locating Equipment
- Invalid/Incorrect API Key
- Missing Content-Type header
- Error connecting to PDS Server


Example URL:

Request Example Body

Json Body:

Note: equipmentId is the primary key. 



        "linerItemNumber": null,  

        "linerMaterialTypeName": "Bisalloy",  

        "linerManufacturerName": "Braeken",  

        "linerBackingName": "Rubber",  

        "linerFixingName": "M20",  

        "linerFixingTypeName": "Bolt",  

        "width": 5,  

        "height": 15,  

        "markingPlanDrawing": "marking plan test",  

        "detailDrawing": "DetailDrawing test",  

        "backingThickness": 55,  

        "thickness": 49,  

        "linerWearPackName": "Wear Pack D",  

        "isRotated": false,  

        "equipmentId": 28367,  

        "name": "200705-LNRS-028367",  

        "isInstalled": true,  

        "functionalLocation": null,  

        "comments": "Cicci did this",  

         "partNumber": "partnum test",  

        "installedDate": null,  

        "installWONumber": null,  

        "removalDate": null,  

        "removalWONumber": null,  

        "leadTime": null,  

        "replacementInterval": null,  

        "originalSize": null,  

        "partitionSize": null,  

        "timeToReplace": null    }]  


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