This API Endpoint will allow a customer to update one or multiple existing liners.
There are two non-production environments that can be used for testing.
Mandatory Fields are denoted by *
Content-Type = application/json
Api_key* This is required for authentication. If you do not have your API key please contact PDS Support ( |
businessName - string(50) |
groupName - string(50) Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software. |
departmentName - string(50) Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software. |
areaName - string(50) Obtained from the hierarchy as shown in the PDS software. |
Object: publicEquipmentLiner | ||
equipmentId * - long |
name - string(50) |
isInstalled - boolean |
functionalLocation - string(50) |
partNumber- string(50) |
installationDate – dateTime |
installationWorkOrder - string(50) |
leadTime |
originalSize - decimal(18,3)
PartitionSize - decimal(18,3) |
timeToReplace - int |
replacementInterval – int |
removalWorkOrder - string(50) |
comments - string(500) |
linerItemNumber - string(50) |
linerMaterialType* - string(50) |
thickness* – decimal(18,3) |
width – decimal(18,3) |
height – decimal(18,3) |
linerBackingName – string(50) |
backingThickness– decimal(18,3) |
linerFixingTypeName - string(50) |
linerFixingName - string(50) |
linerManufacturerName - string(50) |
linerWearPackName - string(50) |
partNumber - string(50) |
documentLink - string(50) |
markingPlan - string(50) |
detailDrawing - string(50) |
After sending through your data, the API call will return a response entity with a body and a status. The response entity will let you know if the data you sent through was successful or unsuccessful.
200 - HTTP Response OK
400 - HTTP Response Bad Request
403 - HTTP Response Forbidden
415 - HTTP Response Unsupported Media Type
500 - HTTP Response Internal Server Error
Object: ResponseEntity
The ResponseEntity object will contain a string or object value. This will have an error or success message – examples below:
- Successfully Updated Equipment Liner
- Invalid Security Token
- businessName is not provided
- equipmentLinerTypes Array is empty
- Equipment ID not found
- Error Locating Equipment
- Invalid/Incorrect API Key
- Missing Content-Type header
- Error connecting to PDS Server
Example URL:
Request Example Body
Json Body:
Note: equipmentId is the primary key.
"linerItemNumber": null,
"linerMaterialTypeName": "Bisalloy",
"linerManufacturerName": "Braeken",
"linerBackingName": "Rubber",
"linerFixingName": "M20",
"linerFixingTypeName": "Bolt",
"width": 5,
"height": 15,
"markingPlanDrawing": "marking plan test",
"detailDrawing": "DetailDrawing test",
"backingThickness": 55,
"thickness": 49,
"linerWearPackName": "Wear Pack D",
"isRotated": false,
"equipmentId": 28367,
"name": "200705-LNRS-028367",
"isInstalled": true,
"functionalLocation": null,
"comments": "Cicci did this",
"partNumber": "partnum test",
"installedDate": null,
"installWONumber": null,
"removalDate": null,
"removalWONumber": null,
"leadTime": null,
"replacementInterval": null,
"originalSize": null,
"partitionSize": null,
"timeToReplace": null }]