From Wear Management on the Quick Actions menu, select the required test Type, then tap on the icon to create a new wear test.
On the Create Test page, enter the test date and test details.
Attachments, such as photos, can be added at anytime by tapping on the paper clip icon on the top right of the screen, then tapping the icon (refer Taking / adding / deleting a photo). A maximum of 10 photos can be attached.
Tap on the Current icon to add test results. Then tap on the Horizontal Ellipses icon to Build, Copy or Clear a results grid.
For building a grid, enter the Start X value (the starting point) where the first measurement will be measured. Enter the End X value (the ending point) where the last measurement will be measured. Enter the required Increment By value, which is the distance between measurements.
Enter the required Y Locations. Y locations are readings along the same belt section. If only testing on one location, enter 1. Multiple Y locations may be required if multiple tests are to be conducted on the same section of belt on the same day. This is to ensure accurate forecasting. To add multiple locations, type comma separated values, for example, to create three Y locations, enter "1,2,3".
Tap the Tick icon to build the grid.
Copying a grid will duplicate the grid from the previous test.
Tap on the Current icon to add the test results. Then double tap anywhere along the row of a result to update/edit it.
Tap Previous or Next or tap the Return key on the keyboard to navigate through the results, enter the required Result, tap Valid (switch from green to white) to mark a result invalid.
Tap the Tick icon to save the results.
Tap the Tick icon to save the test.