Creating an idler failure

At the Area functional location, tap on the Plus iphone_icons_plus.PNG icon then tap on Create Idler to create a new idler failure.



On the Create Idler page, enter the failure information and complete all mandatory fields. 

Mandatory fields include "Idler Type", "Failure Type" and "Location", an "Idler Position" graphic must also be selected. All other fields are optional, comments can be added as required.

A warning message will appear if all mandatory fields have not been completed.



Using the "Frame" and "Frame To" fields, users can create multiple idler failures between consecutive frames (between the Frame and Frame To field).

Please note, any fields which have a drop-down list can be configured in the web version if required.

At Risk can be selected as required to highlight any idler (or structure) failure that is determined to have a higher potential to cause collateral damage or downtime.

Attachments, such as photos of the failure, can be added at anytime by tapping on the paper clip icon on the top right of the screen, then tapping the Plus iphone_icons_plus.PNG icon (refer Taking / adding / deleting a photo). A maximum of 10 photos can be attached.

Tap the Tick iphone_icons_tick.PNG icon to save.



After creating new failures it's recommended that users synchronise their device.

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