Creating an inspection

From Inspections on the Quick Actions menu, tap the Create Inspection button to create a new inspection.

iphone_asset_inspections_quick_actions.PNG   iphone_inspections.PNG

There are three options to choose from on the Create Inspection pop-up.

  • Tapping on OK will create an inspection with no faults found.
  • Tapping on OK with Details creates an inspection with no faults found but opens in edit mode to allow comments to be added and photos attached.
  • Tapping on Not OK creates an inspection with faults found, allow a condition code to be specified, fault codes to be selected and photo attached.


On the Create Inspection page, enter the fault information and complete all mandatory fields. 

A warning message will appear if all mandatory fields have not been completed.

iphone_inspections_create_mandatory_fields.PNG   iphone_inspections_save.PNG

Please note, any fields which have a drop-down list can be configured in the web version if required.

At Risk can be selected as required to highlight any inspection fault that is determined to have a higher potential to cause collateral damage or downtime.

Attachments, such as photos of the failure, can be added at anytime by tapping on the paper clip icon on the top right of the screen, then tapping the Plus iphone_icons_plus.PNG icon (refer Taking / adding / deleting a photo). A maximum of 10 photos can be attached.

Tap the Tick iphone_icons_tick.PNG icon to save.

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