Navigate to Complex.
To access a transfer chute, you can type in the Filter Hierarchy/Area box, follow the left hierarchy menu, utilise the Area Search or use the dashboard. On the dashboard, under the Type column, click on Liners next to the relevant transfer chute.
It is recommended to use the Wear Profile view that suits the wear type is used, Top of Liner Thickness in the example below.
This will show a heat map of current wear results. Select Wear Result from the dropdown which defaults to No Labels
Click on the Wear tab next to Details on the top right. Select the liner (or multiples) and click on the “+” symbol in the toolbar.
In the Test Details pop up, fill out the applicable fields including the wear Result and Type which are both mandatory. Click Save.
Saved results are shown in the Results table.
Note - Even if multiple panels had a measurement added at once, they need to be viewed singularly as the preceding results could be different for each panel.