(GET) Conveyor Details API


Supplies data relating to the conveyor details registered in the system. Information such as conveyor type, belt speed, feed chute stall angle, etc, can be configured against the conveyor.

The information comes from the Area 'Details' dialog for the area which contains the conveyor (accessible via the ellipses button in the hierarchy). The dimensions are shown on the dialog and are dependent on the measurement system in use. 

This API is limited to results recorded in the last 6 months only.



Note: There are two non-production environments that can be used for testing.






No header is required for this API Endpoint.


Mandatory parameters are denoted by *


api_key: string(50) This is required for authentication. It is used to identify the user and determine access to the system. If you do not have your API key please contact PDS Support (support@pdsglobal.com).


lastSynced: DateTime Used to retrieve only the records which have wear tests changed since the last call to the endpoint. On first call of the endpoint leave blank - this will return all records. Store the timestamp after every call and pass it in the lastSynced parameter to retrieve only records which have changed since that time.

The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.sss (e.g. 2021-01-01 01:23:00.000).

Note that if both rowVersion and lastSynced are populated, rowVersion will take precedence. For some endpoints the lastSynced value is limited to 6 months.

businessName: string(50) The name of the business as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

businessFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the business. Can be obtained from the business edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

groupName: string(50) The name of the group as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

groupFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the group. Can be obtained from the group edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

departmentName: string(50) The name of the department as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

departmentFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the department. Can be obtained from the department edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

areaName: string(50) The name of the area as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

areaFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the area. Can be obtained from the area edit dialog, or the Area Details API.


No body is required for this API Endpoint.




Object: ResponseEntity<string>[]

areaId: integer

This is the unique identifier (primary key) for the area. This can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

conveyorType: string(50)

Defines the conveyor type. This is configured in the Conveyor Types dialog.

feedChuteHeight: decimal

The height of the feed chute.

feedChuteStallAngle: decimal

The feed chute stall angle.

feedRelativeAngle: decimal

The feed relative angle.

beltSpeed: decimal

The speed of the conveyor belt.

conveyorLift: decimal

The lift of the conveyor.

counterweightMassActual: integer

The actual mass of the counterweight.

counterweightMassDesign: integer

The designed mass of the counterweight.

tailTransitionLength: decimal

The length of the tail transition.

headTransitionLength: decimal

The length of the head transition.

designThroughput: integer

The designed throughput of the conveyor.

actualThroughput: integer

The actual throughput of the conveyor.

numberOfCarryIdlerFrames: integer

The number of frames on the carry side of the conveyor.

numberOfReturnIdlerFrames: integer

The number of frames on the return side of the conveyor.

numberOfCarryIdlers: integer

The number of idlers on the carry side of the conveyor.

numberOfReturnIdlers: integer

The number of idlers on the return side of the conveyor.

lastSavedBy: string(50)
Identifies the user who last updated the record (email address).

lastSavedDateTime: DateTime
Indicates the last time the record was updated.

Response Status Code

See HTTP Response Codes and Errors




https://apiprod.pdsglobal.com/V2/api/common/conveyordetails/V3?api_key=ABC123&lastSynced=2022-01-01 00:00:00.000



Response Body 





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