(GET) Wear Management


Supplies data on wear for various equipment types. Each record corresponds to a piece of equipment by each wear surface, wear measurement type, and partition. The data is based on the last calculated wear rates, and includes information such as the install dates, changeout details, minimum measurements, wear rates, and wear forecasts, for example. 

This API is limited to results recorded in the last 6 months only.



Note: There are two non-production environments that can be used for testing.






No header is required for this API Endpoint.


Mandatory parameters are denoted by *


api_key: string(50) This is required for authentication. It is used to identify the user and determine access to the system. If you do not have your API key please contact PDS Support (support@pdsglobal.com).

lastSynced: DateTime Used to retrieve only the records which have wear tests changed since the last call to the endpoint. On first call of the endpoint leave blank - this will return all records. Store the timestamp after every call and pass it in the lastSynced parameter to retrieve only records which have changed since that time.

The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.sss (e.g. 2021-01-01 01:23:00.000).

Note that if both rowVersion and lastSynced are populated, rowVersion will take precedence. For some endpoints the lastSynced value is limited to 6 months.

businessName: string(50) The name of the business as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

businessFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the business. Can be obtained from the business edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

groupName: string(50) The name of the group as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

groupFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the group. Can be obtained from the group edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

departmentName: string(50) The name of the department as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

departmentFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the department. Can be obtained from the department edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

areaName: string(50) The name of the area as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

areaFunctionalLocation: string(50) Unique code used to identify the area. Can be obtained from the area edit dialog, or the Area Details API.

equipmentType: string(50) The type of equipment as specified in the Equipment Type dialog.

installed: boolean Returns records based on their install status. Set to true to return equipment which is currently installed. Set to false to return equipment which is not installed. Set to null to return both.

page: integer Large datasets are broken down into pages with 2000 records per page. Use the page parameter to specify which page of the paged dataset to retrieve. Note that this number cannot be greater than the lastPage value returned by the first call to the endpoint.

lastPage: integer When a paged endpoint is called, it calculates the number of records it will return, then calculates the number of pages required.

This is an intensive operation which affects the performance of the endpoint. After calling the endpoint the first time the lastPage value is returned in the result. By passing that value in to the lastPage parameter on subsequent calls the service will know not to recalculate the number of pages.



No body is required for this API Endpoint.





Object: ResponseEntity<string>


List of records returned by the call.

businessName: string(50)
The name of the business as recorded in the hierarchy.

businessFunctionalLocation: string(50)

Unique code used to identify the business. Can be obtained from the business edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

businessSortOrder: integer

All businesses have a sort order number assigned to them. It determines the sequence of the business.

groupName: string(50)

The name of the group as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

groupFunctionalLocation: string(50)

Unique code used to identify the group. Can be obtained from the group edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

groupSortOrder: integer

All groups have a sort order number assigned to them. It determines the sequence of the group.

departmentName: string(50)

The name of the department as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

departmentFunctionalLocation: string(50)

Unique code used to identify the department. Can be obtained from the department edit dialog in the software, or the Area Details API.

departmentSortOrder: integer

All departments have a sort order number assigned to them. It determines the sequence of the department.

areaName: string(50)

The name of the area as recorded in the hierarchy. Can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

areaFunctionalLocation: string(50)

Unique code used to identify the area. Can be obtained from the area edit dialog, or the Area Details API.

areaSortOrder: integer

All areas have a sort order number assigned to them. It determines the sequence of the area.

areaType: string(50)

Defines the general equipment type for the area, such as Transfer Chute or Screens. This is configured in the Area Types dialog.

areaId: integer

This is the unique identifier (primary key) for the area. This can be obtained from the hierarchy or the Area Details API.

equipmentType: string(50)

The type of equipment as specified in the Equipment Type dialog.

equipmentId: integer

This is the unique identifier (primary key) for the equipment.

equipmentDescription: string(255)

The description of the equipment as entered into the system. 

installed: boolean

Indicates whether the equipment is currently installed.

installDate: DateTime

The date the equipment was installed. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.sss (e.g. 2021-01-01 01:23:00.000).

installDateLocal: DateTime

The install date converted to the timezone of the user.

partNumber: string(50)

Unique code used for ordering the equipment. Free text.

scheduledCOutDate: DateTime

The date on which the equipment is scheduled to be changed out (replaced).

scheduledCOutDateLocal: DateTime

The scheduled changeout date, converted to the timezone of the user.

scheduledShut: string(50)

The shutdown which the equipment has been allocated to for change out.

removalDate: DateTime

The date on which the equipment was removed.

removalDateLocal: DateTime

The removal date, converted to the timezone of the user.

hasTests: bit

Flag to indicate this equipment has wear measurements recorded against it.

lastTestDate: DateTime

The last date a wear measurement was taken for this equipment.

lastTestDateLocal: integer

The last test date, converted to the timezone of the user.

lastTestMinimum: decimal

The smallest measurement recorded during the last test.

testId: integer

The primary key for the last Wear Measurement test performed on this equipment.

wearSurface: string(50)

The name of the wear surface which was tested (e.g. 'Top').

wearMeasurementType: string(50)

The name of the measurement being performed, such as 'Thickness' or 'Height' for example.

partition: string(50)

The name of the partition which the wear rate calculation is against.

testedBy: string(50)

Identifies the user who performed the test (email address).

testValid: bit

Indicates whether the test result is still valid. In some cases results can be marked as invalid. This prevents the result from skewing the calculations.

testPosition: string(50)

Notes to indicate where the test was performed. Free text.

instrumentVelocity: decimal(18,3)

The velocity of the measuring equipment.

calibrationThickness: decimal(18,3)

The calibration thickness of the measuring device.

surfaceTemperature: decimal(18,3)

The surface temperature recorded when the readings were taken.

workOrderNo: string(50)

The Work Order number for the repair. Free text.

testComments: string(500)

Free text for comments on the wear measurement.

hardness: decimal(18,3)

The hardness reading.

currentLifeDailyWearRate: decimal

Returns the current calculated daily wear rate for this partition.

currentLifeCriticalChangeout: DateTime

Returns the current calculated lifetime critical changeout date for this partition.

currentLifeCriticalChangeoutLocal: DateTime

As above, but adjusted to the local time of the user.

daysToLifeCriticalChangeout: integer

Returns the current calculated number of days to the critical lifetime changeout date for this partition.

currentRecentDailyWearRate: decimal

Returns the current calculated daily wear rate for this partition.

currentRecentCriticalChangeout: DateTime

Returns the current calculated lifetime critical changeout date for this partition.

currentRecentCriticalChangeoutLocal: DateTime

As above, but adjusted to the local time of the user.

daysToRecentCriticalChangeout: integer

Returns the current calculated number of days to the recent critical lifetime changeout date for this partition.

previousLifeDailyWearRate: decimal

Returns the previous calculated daily wear rate for this partition.

previousLifeCriticalChangeout: DateTime

Returns the previously calculated lifetime critical changeout date for this partition.

previousLifeCriticalChangeoutLocal: DateTime

As above, but adjusted to the local time of the user.

daysToPreviousCriticalChangeout: integer

Returns the previously calculated number of days to the previous critical lifetime changeout date for this partition.

previousRecentDailyWearRate: decimal

Returns the previous calculated daily wear rate for this partition.

previousRecentCriticalChangeout: DateTime

Returns the previous calculated lifetime critical changeout date for this partition.

previousRecentCriticalChangeoutLocal: DateTime

As above, but adjusted to the local time of the user.

daysToPreviousRecentCriticalChangeout: integer

Returns the current calculated number of days to the previous recent critical lifetime changeout date for this partition.

criticalAlarm: decimal

Displays the critical alarm setting for the belt section.

severeAlarm: decimal

Displays the severe alarm setting for the belt section.

testsInTrend: integer

Returns the number of test being used in the calculations.

lastSavedBy: string(50)

Identifies the user who last updated the record (email address).

lastSavedDateTime: DateTime

Indicates the last time the record was updated.

lastSavedDateTimeLocal: DateTime

Indicates the last time the record was updated.

lastPage: integer

Indicates the page number of the last page when a paged endpoint is called. 


Response Status Code

See HTTP Response Codes and Errors







Response Body: 

    "changedRecords": [
            "businessName""Mine Operations",
            "groupName""Raw Coal",
            "equipmentType""Belt Sections",



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